1. Editor of this website

SARL with capital of €10,000 registered with the Paris RCS under number 512850421
Intracommunity VAT: FR34512850421
Head office: 9 rue de l’Arc de Triomphe – 75017 Paris
Email: internet@clic-gauche.com
Website : www.clic-gauche.com

2. Host

Address: AMEN SASU, 12-14, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris
Tel: 0 811 88 77 66
E-mail: “Contact us” section of the website www.amen.fr

3. Responsible for the information on this website

Name of Manager: Hervé DUPERRET
Postal address of the head office: 6 rue de Châtillon, La rigourdière 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
Address: 23 rue du Château Landon – 75010 Paris
Tel: +33(0)1 83 64 53 53
Email: contact@bloomhouse-hotel.com
Siret number: 85158900200035

4. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These legal notices are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the use of this site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

If you have any questions regarding this legal notice, you can contact us using the contact details provided above.

5. Intellectual property

All content present on this site (text, images, graphics, logos, icons, videos, etc.) is the exclusive property of the site owner or is subject to authorization for use. They are protected by French and international laws on intellectual property. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation, total or partial, of the contents of this site, whatever the means or process used, is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from the owner of the site.

1. In what case and how can you contact the consumer mediator?

After contacting the Company’s [customer, litigation, etc.] department and in the absence of a satisfactory response within 60 days, the customer can contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details appear below:
Address :
Tourism and Travel Mediation
BP 80 303 75 823
Paris Cedex 17

Website : www.mtv.travel

2. Cold calling

According to article L.223-2 of the Consumer Code: “When a professional is required to collect telephone data from a consumer, he informs him of his right to register on the opposition list to cold calling. » The customer can exercise his right to object to telephone canvassing by registering on Bloctel: https://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/
The user has the possibility of registering on the list opposing telephone canvassing by calling +33 1 39 10 15 15

3. Right of withdrawal

Article L. 221-28 of the Consumer Code states: “The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts: (…)12° Provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, services transport of goods, car rentals, catering or leisure activities which must be provided on a specific date or period; […]

4. Dispute resolution

Find all the information on the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/

Any access and use of this website indicates that the user has read these conditions of use and agreed to be bound by them. Otherwise, the Internet user must not use or access this site and leave it immediately.

Cookies Policy

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file sent with the pages of this website and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or other device. The information it contains may be sent back to our servers or those of relevant third parties during a subsequent visit.

2. What are scripts?

A script is an element of code that allows our website to function correctly and interactively. This code runs either on our server or on your device.

3. What is an invisible beacon?

An invisible tag (or web beacon) is a small piece of text or image that is invisible on a website. It is used to track website traffic by storing various data about you.

4. What types of cookies exist and why do websites use them?

Cookies are classified into two main categories:

– Internal cookies (or session cookies)
– Third-party cookies (or persistent cookies)

4.1 Internal cookies

First-party cookies are installed by the website you are visiting. The website stores them in temporary memory and deletes them when you close your browser.

Not only do they help website operators improve user experience by tracking their activities, including remembering what you put in your shopping cart, but they are also categorized as “strictly necessary cookies” in under the GDPR (and are exempt from the consent requirement).

To navigate a website and use all its features and functionality, strictly necessary cookies are essential. Without them, you would not be able to log into a website or add items to a shopping cart.

4.2 Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies, on the other hand, stay on your device until their expiration date or until you delete them manually. They are harder to justify because they allow advertisers to track (stalk) users across the web, known as “cross-site tracking.”

Personal data protection policy

1. Commitments Regarding Personal Data Protection

The owner of the site undertakes to guarantee a high level of protection of the personal data of its customers, prospects, and users of the website.

2. Analysis Tools Used

Matomo :

We are pleased to inform you that we have chosen to use an analysis tool that embodies our values regarding respect for privacy and ethics.

We use “Matomo”, a leading solution in its field. You can find out more about Matomo by visiting their website: https://fr.matomo.org/. Matomo stands out for its privacy-friendly approach, not requiring consent for cookies. This guarantees the privacy of our visitors. Additionally, Matomo is rigorously compliant with GDPR regulations and has received CNIL approval, demonstrating its commitment to data privacy.

Data Collected by Matomo:Matomo collects information related to users’ experience on our website. This includes data such as time spent on pages, actions taken (clicks, scrolls), type of device used, screen resolution, and geographic location (limited to country only).

Collection of Data by Matomo: Matomo uses cookies to collect this data. Please note that user consent is not required, as tracking cookies are not used. For more information : https://fr.matomo.org/cookie-consent-banners/

What is the Data Collected by Matomo Used for: The data collected by Matomo is used exclusively for analysis purposes. They allow us to better understand user behavior on our site, optimize the user experience and improve our service.

Is the data anonymous? Yes, the data is completely anonymized.

How long does Matomo retain data?Old data is automatically deleted after 744 days, while reports are retained for 36 months. If a user wishes not to be tracked despite anonymization measures, an unsubscribe link is available in this document.

Access to Data by Matomo: The data collected by Matomo is accessible only by designated administrators of our website, for the purpose of performing analyzes and optimizing the user experience.

What is the location of Matomo’s servers? At Oblivion Cloud Control BV (Xebia) in the Netherlands guarantees a secure infrastructure, with off-site backups in Dublin, Ireland, all under the supervision of AWS Europe. All data is stored in Europe.

Is there GDPR compliance? We are committed to ensuring compliance with the GDPR by implementing measures such as the anonymization of data, the designation of a GDPR Manager, the possibility for users to deactivate all tracking, the use of first-party cookies by default, visibility of collected data, the ability to delete visitor data upon request, and assurance that data is not used for any purpose other than analytics.

Exercise of Rights: In accordance with the GDPR, users have the right to access their data, withdraw their consent, benefit from “Do Not Track”, request data portability, object to processing, request the deletion of historical data, to require the erasure of data, and to benefit from anonymization functionalities. All these rights can be exercised by contacting us via the contact details indicated in our Legal Notices or at the bottom of the page of our website.

Unsubscribe from Matomo Tracking

Unsubscribe from Matomo Tracking

More information: For more information go to the website https://matomo.org/ and https://matomo.org/privacy-policy/

2.2 Using WPML

We use WPML to manage locales. This data is not shared with third parties, the cookie expires after 1 day and it allows the correct language settings.

2.3 Integration of Social Networks

We have included content from Instagram on our website in order to promote web pages on social networks such as Instagram. This content is integrated using a code obtained from Instagram, and places cookies. These cookies may store and process certain information for personalized advertising purposes.

We invite you to regularly consult the privacy statement of these social networks to find out what use is made of your (personal) data processed using these cookies. The data recovered is anonymized as much as possible. Instagram is located in the United States.

3. Contact form

In addition, it should be noted that this site may include contact forms intended to collect essential information to respond to quote or reservation requests from our customers. This information may include personal data such as email address or telephone number. We would like to point out that this data is collected solely for the purpose of enabling our team to respond effectively to your request.

We respect the privacy of our users and emphasize that filling out these forms is completely optional. If you prefer not to provide personal data, we simply invite you not to complete the form. It is important to note that, in all cases, the user must check a consent box for their data to be used as part of their request.

Furthermore, we would like to assure you that under no circumstances will your personal data be used for cold calling purposes. Our sole objective is to respond to your requests efficiently and professionally.

We would like to assure you that your personal data will under no circumstances be used for resale or distribution to third parties for advertising purposes. Our commitment to protecting your privacy is total.

4. Your rights

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information that concerns you, which you can exercise by sending us an email. to the email or postal address that you will find on our site at the bottom of the page or in our Legal Notices.

5. Liability

The company Clic Gauche, publishing this site, disclaims all responsibility if the Internet user visiting this website were to disclose or register via electronic addresses: e-mail or reservation form, any bank details.

The Clic Gauche Company cannot be held liable in the event of an error or involuntary omission, despite the care taken in the creation of this site.

6. Changes to the Statement

The owner of the site reserves the right to adapt the personal data protection policy. When material changes are made to this Statement, we post a link to the Statement on the home page of our site.